
You may recognize me from my account on X at MedGold_. If not, below is an introduction:

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I like to write about: Sex, Love, Female Nature, Male Nature, Culture, Politics, and Posting. Below are all posts sorted by topic.

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The Dark Path to Increasing The Birth Rate - Women have bottomless sexual desires and want to burn down the Earth when most men are unfuckable.

Do You Want Total Fuck - Most sex is mediocre because men have been conditioned to suppress their most animalistic passion and primal lust.

The Sanctity of Purity - Quibbling about sexual history reflects man’s desire to take the virginity of every girl he’s ever been attracted to.

Duty-Free Sex - Couples who don’t fall off after they get married will forever want to fuck each other

Sex Math and the Death of Taking Risk - Allowing strangers on the internet to dictate your attraction reflects a profound fear of vulnerability.

On Mia Wallace & Vincent Vega - The dance scene in Pulp Fiction is reveals core sexual dynamics between men and women.

The Making of Med: Fernanda, Valentina: A Crazy Sicilian, Julia: A French Connection - I have many good stories — a friend suggested I should publish them a few years ago. I’m unlikely to publish more true stories. The girls are anonymized.

How I Fumbled The Bag - Part I: Anastasia - I also have many embarrassing stories. This is the first post of a series where I will post my L’s.


On Love - Part I: Love & Sex Have Nothing To Do With Each Other - To truly love someone requires a level of selflessness few have the courage to bear.

On Love - Part II: Beyond Cringe Gender Wars - Nature gives its greatest rewards to those bold enough to step into the unknown.

The Thin Line Between Desire & Simping - Few can express genuine sexual and emotional desire without losing their dignity.

Your Oneitis Is Stinking Up The Room - Men who can’t get over “the one who got away” repell women and sabotage future relationships.

American Saṃsāra - Humans are only fully alive while immersing themselves into that which puts them in a trance.

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Female Nature

On The Woman Question - A compilation of harsh truths about women that most men haven’t been taught or don’t want to hear.

Advice for Women - Men don’t leave women who give them spontaneous and enthusiastic blowjobs on a regular basis because it fulfills our need to feel like kings.

Girls Don't Know What They Look Like - A respectable man’s evaluation of a girl’s appearance defines her understanding of her own beauty or lack thereof.

The High T Woman - Women with the highest sex drives often have the highest standards for manliness.

Women Are Permanently 'Going Through It' - Women need to feel safe as badly as they need oxygen.

The Eye of the Beholder - Nature has blessed very few men with The Eye for Beauty and they dictate the way women want to be perceived.

'Criminal' by Fiona Apple and The Feminine Dilemma - Women are eternally battling two forces between the raging slut and the pleasant housewife.

How To Deal With Liberal Girls - You can learn everything you need to know about a woman by how she responds to being told ‘No.’

On Lana Del Rey - The living whitepill for girls paranoid about their age and men paranoid about gold-diggers.

Male Nature

Fuck The Longhouse - Men aren’t men until they’ve come to terms with their own death.

Porn Addiction is an Addiction to Depression - Men who watch other men fuck girls they want to fuck creates a cycle of cucking themselves.

True Detective S1: The Spectrum of Man - Rust Cohle is the Übermensch and reflects the weaknesses in his very human partner Marty Hart.

How to Not Be Gay - 70% of men are gay

The Rise of Alpha Male Feminists (The "Redpill" Community) - Scratch a disgruntled redpiller and you’ll find a committed radical feminist.

On Men Who Hate Women - Hating women as such reveals a hatred of natural selection and one’s place in the sexual hierarchy.

Stop Babying Zoomers - The bar has never been lower to get laid or have a girlfriend.

The Case for Male Skincare - A guide for men who don’t want to develop chudlines, jowls, or pussyneck.

On Porn - Men shouldn’t watch porn — but if they do, they can learn a thing or two about how to fuck.

Inflate The Currency, Deflate Man's Vitality - Being unable to afford a home and expensive dates can make men feel incompetent with women.

On AI Women and Sexbots - AI will understand men’s most core sexual and emotional needs on an individual level and only the strongest will reject it.

On John Mayer - Why I admire and relate to John Mayer.

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Culture & Politics

The Myth of a Hypersexualized Culture - Displays of degeneracy are often lightyears away from resembling anything sexual.

The Decline of Girlbosses, Birth Control, and Dunking on Women In Their 30's - Gen Z girls are learning from the mistakes of their Millennial sisters.

The Male Democrat - The left built a coalition of cuckolds to white knight policies that destroy civilization.

The Warrior Administration - The Trump-Musk-Vance alliance reflects American’s hunger for Warrior Energy.

On The Indian Question - Americans hiring Indians is, and will always be, a terrible culture fit.

The War Of The Sexes Is Going To Get Better - Women’s attraction to status is good news for men who are tired of unpleasant liberal women.

The Sexual Appeal of Sydney Sweeney - The mid next door who understands the male gaze.

Why Aren't There More Daniel Pennys? - The left has made male bravery illegal because it conflicts with their religion of worshipping black sin.

America is the Land of Options - Americans have the right to play the cards they’re delt, take someone else’s cards, or kill themselves.

The Basics of Money - The basics of how to think about saving, investing, debt, and wealth.

The Basics of Money - Pt. II: Understanding Bitcoin - It’s never too late to buy the most innovative asset ever created.

The Sopranos Series - Part I: Tony Soprano - Inside the subconscious of the greatest male character of all-time.


The Sanctity of Anonymity - Posting anonymously is sacred and the only path to clear and authentic truth exploration.

Internet Psychopaths - Those without a strong social anchor IRL are the most likely to become obsessed with online personalities.

How To Become A Better Poster - The greatest posters have their own voice.

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The state of men & female nature in a sexless culture.


Universal Mediterranean Aesthetics. Thin Arms Activist.