I recently rebranded my Substack to the name of my upcoming book: Demonic Lust & Fate.
I’m on a hiatus from X given the timeline has become profoundly low-tier recently. But I must post. So lately I’ve been posting on Substack.
Substack is its own little world. There’s many talented writers who post in addition to writing long-form, but they don’t post on X. I didn’t know this little world existed.
Most regulars on X know who I am at this point, but for those unfamiliar — I will keep this post pinned for an introduction on how I see the world.
A brief introduction:
Why I Write
Decades ago, I was high for ~3 years straight. When I realized I was destroying my options for a good future, I stopped using all substances cold turkey and committed to being fully sober for 1 year. I wasn’t an addict — I just liked being intoxicated more than being sober. I still do! Many such cases.
After such a sudden change I became flooded with intense emotions I was running away from: how I really felt about people in my life, who I was becoming, who I wanted to become, my religious beliefs. You name it. And my dreams became very intense and extremely vivid.
This shift was so intense that I could only manage it by writing everything down by hand in a stream-of-conscious format. This helped me sort myself out and come to terms with who I am. I still do this several times a month to clear out the cobwebs.
In late 2021, I deactivated my account for 3 months. I created my account in 2020, so I’ve become accustomed to receiving immeasurable amounts of hate for what I say (and what it implies). I found it funny then and I still do now. But when I sense I’m too online, I log off. This is always a good thing to do.
During those 3 months I wrote somewhat of a manifesto — a Fuck You to those who despise my takes on sex and female nature. If you’ve heard the term ‘The Fuck Rate’ before then it came from my first post, The Dark Path to Increasing The Birth Rate.
Since then I’ve found writing publicly to be immensely satisfying. I initially gained 1,000+ subscribers overnight. Since then, my long-time paid subscribers know that I save the good stuff for Substack. In addition to writing, I answer questions from my paid subscribers every 2 weeks on Medcast.
“What would you say it is…you do here?”
Summarizing three years of writing into one line or a catch-phrase is a bit gimmicky for my taste. Instead, I distilled each post into one core belief. I also separated the posts by topic.
I rarely have a target audience in mind as I write. I’m usually just expressing what needs to come out at the time. The specific topics I like to write about are: Sex, Love, Female Nature, Male Nature, Politics & Culture, and Posting Culture.
The Dark Path to Increasing The Birth Rate - Women have bottomless sexual desires and want to burn down the Earth when most men are unfuckable.
Do You Want Total Fuck - Most sex is mediocre because men have been conditioned to suppress their most animalistic passion and primal lust.
The Sanctity of Purity - Quibbling about sexual history reflects man’s desire to take the virginity of every girl he’s ever been attracted to.
Duty-Free Sex - Couples who don’t fall off after they get married will forever want to fuck each other
Sex Math and the Death of Taking Risk - Allowing strangers on the internet to dictate your attraction reflects a profound fear of vulnerability.
On Mia Wallace & Vincent Vega - The dance scene in Pulp Fiction is reveals core sexual dynamics between men and women.
The Making of Med: Fernanda, Valentina: A Crazy Sicilian, Julia: A French Connection - I have many good stories — a friend suggested I should publish them a few years ago. I’m unlikely to publish more true stories. The girls are anonymized.
How I Fumbled The Bag - Part I: Anastasia - I also have many embarrassing stories. This is the first post of a series where I will post my L’s.
On Love - Part I: Love & Sex Have Nothing To Do With Each Other - To truly love someone requires a level of selflessness few have the courage to bear.
On Love - Part II: Beyond Cringe Gender Wars - Nature gives its greatest rewards to those bold enough to step into the unknown.
The Thin Line Between Desire & Simping - Few can express genuine sexual and emotional desire without losing their dignity.
Your Oneitis Is Stinking Up The Room - Men who can’t get over “the one who got away” repell women and sabotage future relationships.
American Samsāra - Humans are only fully alive while immersing themselves into that which puts them in a trance.
Female Nature
On The Woman Question - A compilation of harsh truths about women that most men haven’t been taught or don’t want to hear.
Advice for Women - Men don’t leave women who give them spontaneous and enthusiastic blowjobs on a regular basis because it fulfills our need to feel like kings.
Girls Don't Know What They Look Like - A respectable man’s evaluation of a girl’s appearance defines her understanding of her own beauty or lack thereof.
The High T Woman - Women with the highest sex drives often have the highest standards for manliness.
Women Are Permanently 'Going Through It' - Women need to feel safe as badly as they need oxygen.
The Eye of the Beholder - Nature has blessed very few men with The Eye for Beauty and they dictate the way women want to be perceived.
'Criminal' by Fiona Apple and The Feminine Dilemma - Women are eternally battling two forces between the raging slut and the pleasant housewife.
How To Deal With Liberal Girls - You can learn everything you need to know about a woman by how she responds to being told ‘No.’
On Lana Del Rey - The living whitepill for girls paranoid about their age and men paranoid about gold-diggers.
Male Nature
Fuck The Longhouse - Men aren’t men until they’ve come to terms with their own death.
Porn Addiction is an Addiction to Depression - Men who watch other men fuck girls they want to fuck creates a cycle of cucking themselves.
True Detective S1: The Spectrum of Man - Rust Cohle is the Übermensch and reflects the weaknesses in his very human partner Marty Hart.
How to Not Be Gay - 70% of men are gay
The Rise of Alpha Male Feminists (The "Redpill" Community) - Scratch a disgruntled redpiller and you’ll find a committed radical feminist.
On Men Who Hate Women - Hating women as such reveals a hatred of natural selection and one’s place in the sexual hierarchy.
Stop Babying Zoomers - The bar has never been lower to get laid or have a girlfriend.
The Case for Male Skincare - A guide for men who don’t want to develop chudlines, jowls, or pussyneck.
On Porn - Men shouldn’t watch porn — but if they do, they can learn a thing or two about how to fuck.
Inflate The Currency, Deflate Man's Vitality - Being unable to afford a home and expensive dates can make men feel incompetent with women.
On AI Women and Sexbots - AI will understand men’s most core sexual and emotional needs on an individual level and only the strongest will reject it.
On John Mayer - Why I admire and relate to John Mayer.
Politics & Culture
The Myth of a Hypersexualized Culture - Displays of degeneracy are often lightyears away from resembling anything sexual.
The Decline of Girlbosses, Birth Control, and Dunking on Women In Their 30's - Gen Z girls are learning from the mistakes of their Millennial sisters.
The Male Democrat - The left built a coalition of cuckolds to white knight policies that destroy civilization.
The Warrior Administration - The Trump-Musk-Vance alliance reflects American’s hunger for Warrior Energy.
On The Indian Question - Americans hiring Indians is, and will always be, a terrible culture fit.
The War Of The Sexes Is Going To Get Better - Women’s attraction to status is good news for men who are tired of unpleasant liberal women.
The Sexual Appeal of Sydney Sweeney - The mid next door who understands the male gaze.
Why Aren't There More Daniel Pennys? - The left has made male bravery illegal because it conflicts with their religion of worshipping black sin.
America is the Land of Options - Americans have the right to play the cards they’re delt, take someone else’s cards, or kill themselves.
The Basics of Money - The basics of how to think about saving, investing, debt, and wealth.
The Basics of Money - Pt. II: Understanding Bitcoin - It’s never too late to buy the most innovative asset ever created.
The Sopranos Series - Part I: Tony Soprano - Inside the subconscious of the greatest male character of all-time.
Posting Culture
The Sanctity of Anonymity - Posting anonymously is sacred and the only path to clear and authentic truth exploration.
Internet Psychopaths - Those without a strong social anchor IRL are the most likely to become obsessed with online personalities.
How To Become A Better Poster - The greatest posters have their own voice.
I will keep this updated as I continue to post. Enjoy 🤍
Thank you sir for these gems🫡